Smart metering systems are usually installed with consideration only to the hardware and software components such as installing the smart meters and waiting for alarms to identify leaks. More often than not, alarms are not actioned accordingly by busy Facilities Managers (FMs) with limited time. As such the system does not provide the business with the expected ROI.
By having an experienced, dedicated smart metering team to pro-actively monitor, analyse, action and provide tailored high level recommendations on pragmatic water saving initiatives, the asset becomes fully utilised to achieve the full intended benefits of the system. Furthermore, there is no additional burden on site FMs.
WaterGroup’s Water Management Service (WMS) uses sub and smart metering data to:
- Monitor and analyse abnormal usage patterns on a weekly basis.
- Follow up on all abnormal usage alarms generated through the smart metering website and ensure needed actions are taken to secure savings.
- Record and manage case histories in WaterGroup’s SM3S data management system.
- Engage with all parties involved on an overall program of co-operative water management based on the smart metering data. An initial establishment meeting will be held to fully understand site specific needs. This will lead to the production of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). These KPIs will take into account factors to properly adjust variations in usage for increases or decreases in site activities. They will also allow benchmarking of the site’s water usage against similar facilities to assess potential for improvement.
- Based on the KPIs identified a water management plan will be developed. This can be disseminated to site staff to ensure they are aware and understand the objectives of the plan.
- Quarterly reports will be provided to report on savings achieved as well as potential savings identified.
The regular review of the data and the thorough and persistent following up of abnormal water usage ensures that action is taken to identify and rectify unusual water consumption. This is the highest value-add part of the service. It has an unparalleled effect on reducing total water consumption and costs by reacting to changes quickly, before the water bill arrives.
The process also assists clients in prioritising any future water conservation spending priorities across their sites.