12th December 2003 – “Evolution by innovation” is the slogan of PROline, the current generation of electromagnetic flow-measuring systems by Endress+Hauser that has continued its 25 years of success for the last three years. Now, Promag 10, a basic device, will be launched to complement it.
In the last few years, the electromagnetic measuring principle has established itself in the industry whenever the flow of aqueous media has to be determined in a highly precise manner.
Endress+Hauser is leading in this market because of its PROline Promag. In fact, the PROline range represents the perfect continuance of the MID success story at Endress+Hauser. PROline Promag is a globally introduced and widely known term guaranteeing quality and reliability and enjoying wide-spread acceptance among customers and competitors alike.
The PROline concept is based on sensors for specific applications in the water/waste-water industry, the process industry, or for hygienic applications. Independently from the sensor type, you can chose a transmitter that can be individually tailored to your requirements as to signal processing and integration into process-control systems. Promag 50 is the standard transmitter, while Promag 53 is used in applications with an extended profile of functions. The transmitter portfolio is now rounded off with Promag 10, limited to the basic functions of an electromagnetic measuring device suitable for the industry. Basic devices are used at measuring-points that do not have to meet higher than average measuring demands and where measured variables are shown in analogue form on the process-control level. Typical examples of such applications are found in the fresh-water and waste-water treatment industries.
Market Data
Endress+Hauser Press Releases
Promag 10 – a Basic Electromagnetic Measuring Device in the Proven
12th December 2003